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Covering Homer During “Cover the Night”

Posted by: 047944 | April 27, 2012 | 1 Comment |

By Mallory Drover

On lamp posts, sign posts, doors, bulletin boards, and walls, Sarah D’Water and Grace Steiner taped posters with bright red and black images, with a single bold name and date- Kony 2012.“The purpose was to just spread the word any way possible, as long as it is legal, smart, and gets the point across,” said Sarah D’Water, Homer High School senior. “Our hope was that when people would see the posters, if they didn’t already know about Kony 2012, that they would go online and find out. And if people did know about it but were unsure and they saw our dedication to the cause by putting posters all over the city, then they would inform themselves further. The purpose is to gain as much support as possible.”

Ever since the viral video made by Invisible Children, a non-profit group behind the Kony 2012 campaign, was released on March 5th and became an internet sensation, Grace and Sarah have been planning Cover the Night. All over the world on April 20th, people from all different cultures and locations set out into their communities after dark, armed with posters and a passion for the movement. Cover the Night, detailed by the Invisible Children video to take place on April 20th, is the biggest piece of involvement by youth to spread awareness about Joseph Kony and his child-stealing army.

“About 2-3 years ago I spent 3 months in Africa, working with the orphans who had managed to escape from Kony’s army. Some of them had mutilated faces or missing limbs. It was terrible.” Grace shared her experience of working first hand with the victims of Kony’s army, the LRA.

“My sister got me involved,” said Sarah. After Sarah’s sister, April D’Water, was recruited approximately 4 years ago at her college, she’s been active with Invisible Children. April is currently Wisconsin’s State Lobby Leader for the organization, and Sarah has been involved with raising awareness on a Homer level.

Sarah D'Water, talking on her cell phone.

Not everyone in the community is supportive of the Kony 2012 campaign, however.

“Right before we put up our first posters, I got a phone call from a blocked number saying they were watching us,” Grace recalled from Cover the Night. “They called twice but we ignored them. When we went back to my car, the posters we had put up on the school doors had been ripped in half and plastered to my car.”

Skeptics of the Kony 2012 campaign and Invisible Children are numerous, and usually vocal. However, this hasn’t changed the opinions of the people who are passionate about spreading awareness, and seeing Joseph Kony brought to justice.

“It’s amazing to see how enthusiastic young people all around the world are about making realistic changes right now,” Sarah said.

“On the night of the actual event, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram feeds showed people from as far as Australia, China and Europe putting up posters!” Grace shared. “The whole world’s heard of Kony now. Senators are taking notice of public interest. It’s only a matter of time before he’s caught now.”

under: Features, News, Uncategorized

Responses -

I really enjoyed this article. It is succinct and has meaningful quotes. I like how you ended with that quote and the selection of this story was tasteful. Perhaps you could have included a short summary of the issue, but perhaps your context clues were enough to understand. I found it interesting that many people in our community do not support this movement and that the phone calls were received. That would have been scary to me!

Good work to both the author and the activists!

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