Homer Mariners Boy’s Basketball shirts are most often emblazed with the “Team Me” basketball, but there is more to this symbol than first meets the eye. Most people interpret the logo, a basketball with the word “Team” printed on it above the word “Me”, to just say “Team Me” on a basketball background, and don’t understand what it really means. The basketball of course represents the sport, but there is a special significance to the placement of the words. “Team” is intentionally placed above “Me”, to give it the meaning “Team over Me”.
It’s a riddle of sorts that makes the audience use their mind as well as their eyes and at the same time represents one of the most important aspects about Homer basketball. That there are things in life more important than individual achievements, and that the team is one big family. Families support and look out for each other, helping each other through everything, and so does Mariner Basketball. Although it sometimes has its rough patches with injuries and disagreements, the team is always there for any one of its members, putting each other above themselves.
When asked what he thought about people not understand the logo, Coach Casseri simply said, “It doesn’t matter if other people don’t understand it. As long as we understand it and live by it, that’s what matters.”