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The Dilemma (continued)

Posted by: 032709 | April 20, 2012 | No Comment |

By Carson Duggar

“So who cleared the snow off of the soccer and baseball field?” exclaimed a varsity boys soccer player. “Oh, I heard a rumor it was the Borough who did it…” said an anonymous student. “No, no, no. It was definitely the City of Homer that cleared it” stated another student.

This is completely wrong. According to Homer Principal, Dr. Gee numerous attempts to get the fields plowed, failed. He asked the Borough for help, and they said no. He then asked the City of Homer for help, and they said no, claiming it would cost too much money for them to complete. So who did clear the upper field at Homer High?

Mickey Todd, varsity girls soccer coach, decided to take matters into his own hands. He saw that the school was pitter pattering around with clearing the snow and decided to personally hire a private contractor to make it happen. Knowing that three sports teams’ seasons were in jeopardy, Mickey put his coaching stipend (an undisclosed amount of money) forward to employ a crew to complete the job. 

Athletes took the field for the first time on a sunny Thursday this past week, which marked one of the earliest dates teams have been able to play on the fields in many years, according to Pam Newton.

Dr. Gee stated that he is proposing to the city that they include money to clear the fields in their budget in future years so spring sports teams don’t run into this problem again.

For Mickey the decision was easy: “Because no one else would.”

The upper field at Homer Highschool on 4/18/2012.

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