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Is Education Changing Once Again?

Posted by: Samuel Reinert | September 30, 2011 | No Comment |

The mysterious Khan Academy, a new craze on the internet, is becoming more and more influential in schools. Instead of assigning book lessons or problems, more and more teachers are assigning video lessons on line at the Khan Academy.

Many students at Homer High were unaware that the academy even existed unlit recently, when Mr. Stineff began assigning chemistry lessons on the website. Students are told to watch the videos at home, and come to class the next day expected to talk about them.

“It’s a great program,” said Stineff. “The guy that does it started it to teach his cousins math, but expanded it to hold a whole bunch of subjects. Kids participate a lot more in class now, and feel like everyone has something to say about what we’re talking about.”

The Khan Academy has over 2,400 videos, and teaches everything from calculus and finance to physics and history. The Academy has given more than 77 million lessons so far, and is still growing in popularity by the day. This is a new idea in the education system, but it seems to have been quite successful, and could possibly change our education forever.

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