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Konstantin Reutov Creates His Own Mold

Posted by: 031306 | November 9, 2011 | No Comment |

By Isabelle De Armoun

He keeps to himself as his fingertips and eyes focus on the clay sculpting as he turns the wheel with his foot. The artist at work is, Konstantin Reutov. Konstantin has a style all his own of imprinting lines, precise trimming and graceful handles on his pieces that have many people applauding his skill.

 Konstantin first became interested in the class as a freshman when his older sister was taking the class, she would tell Konstantin how much she enjoyed and learned from the class. When Konstantin was a sophomore he signed up for the class imminently not knowing a thing about pottery he jumped in to being a thrower,

Since  then he has come a far distance willing to try new style, bringing new ideas to the wheel and always having a positive attitude about his work.

I ask Miss Jenneta, Konstantins ceramics teacher, what kind of a student Konstantin is, she couldn’t hold back her words and blurted“He is so self motivated and always has a positive attitude. He has amazing demeanor, When something doesn’t according to plan on piece he doesn’t get frustrated, he always takes it as a learning experience.”

Konstantin has taken pottery for two years and one quarter. He started as a beginner and has now worked his way up to advanced.

In Miss Jennetas advanced pottery class she tries to have the kids focus on concepts and not as much on forms. It’s a very less instructed class. For example, his assignment this week is to create something to serve something on to a multi group of people. Another assignment was to incorporate two pieces together by cutting and sculpting them. Miss Jenneta added that Konstantin Reutov is a true craftsman and will always keep on impressing people.

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