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Auto Shop’s Ultimate Rides

Posted by: Phillip Whitney | November 4, 2011 | No Comment |

By Phillip Whitney

                In the auto shop, Mr. Wyatt and his class have two major projects happening. One is an old diesel Chevy Suburban, which they hope to convert to bio-diesel, and the other greets students at the door, an ’84 Honda Goldwing which they plan to turn into a reverse trike. A reverse trike is where the singular wheel is in the back and the two wheels are in the front.

Joe Freeman works on the Surburban

                The Suburban they plan on using bio-diesel in one fuel tank, and regular diesel in the other. To combat the cold of winter they want to wrap a heating coil around the tank with the bio-diesel. “We will run it on diesel until the bio-diesel gets warmed up and then pow running down the highway on bio-diesel!” said Mr. Wyatt. They plan to complete it by the end of November.

                 “It’s going to be the Mariner Pride Mobile,” Mr. Wyatt explained. The plans for the reverse trike will cost the class $100 dollars, and the motorcycle they got for free. The picture Mr. Wyatt had of it looked like they were going to take off the front wheel, build a frame for the engine and back wheel, and put a cover over the frame with enough seating for two people with a car like interior. With this ambitious project a couple years from completion, the current sophomores might be able to see it in all its glory. Joe Saunders said, “It’s so Wizard.”

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