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Fish in the Hallway

Posted by: 034325 | October 10, 2011 | No Comment |

By Dylan Zharoff

The wood shop teacher, Cam Wyatt, designed a project to create wooden salmon by putting together scrap wood too big to just throw away but also too small to create decent projects. The students pieced together their wood of choice on a fish template, where they then got rid of the rough edges and added a marble eye. The differences with the wood placement, smoothness, and staining changed each project into unique pieces only similar because of the similar fish templates each person worked off of. The twenty-five finished pieces were originally hung outside the classroom in a net that was used two years ago as a prop, were individually held and are currently on the net again. Two more projects, the wood Name Plate and Birdhouse, are also intended to be hung for passersby’s in the near future.

under: Arts & Entertainment

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