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Gettin the Shakes’

Posted by: Michael Demoura | November 19, 2011 | No Comment |

By Michael de Moura
Shakespeare performances benefit everyone involved, in like manner, audience members “have greatness thrust upon them!” as Olivia’s steward exclaimed.  On Saturday, November 19th, the TheatreShakes, an after school theatre troupe, will perform William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night at the Homer Council on the Arts building.

Earlier in the school year, Pier 1 sponsored Mrs. Dolma’s Shakespeare plays at Homer High by buying abridged scripts for her English class along with the script for Twelfth Night.

To meet the different groups’ sizes, experience level and time constraints, shortened versions of the various Shakespeare plays were purchased.  Martin Lamb and Penelope Middelboe’s revisions preserve the integrity of each play. Abridged scripts “make Shakespeare accessible”, by taking a play that’s normally two hours and cutting it down to well under an hour.

Through simplicity the thirty minute version of Twelfth Night makes the plot slightly less disorderly; however, the revised rendition stays true to the intricacies of Shakespeare’s illustrious comedy.

The cast, comprised of all middle and elementary grade students with the exception of one Junior, has taken on a great deal of responsibility.  Practically unencumbered by the task, these young actors and actresses delved into the depths of Elizabethan literature, surfacing with wide grins.

TheatreShake participants’ enthusiasm allows for an invigorating performance.  Brenda Dolma, the play’s avid director, stated: “A group that’s interested is more open to direction.”  Working with unmotivated students in Theatre, commonly leads to failure, primarily when it comes to Shakespeare.

I got a chance to speak with some of the production’s exhilarated amateurs about their interests for the future; Lucas Schneider’s younger sister, Lindsey, said “well maybe an actress, maybe a musician..”  Young Malvolio said he “definitely” wanted to pursue drama in the future.  Others just enjoyed acting as a hobby of sorts.

Brenda Dolma with the assistance of her co-director, Lena Davis, have striven to polish scenes and roles; giving direction to drunkards, seductive mistresses and other characters to bring the community of Homer entertainment.  The performance on Saturday is at seven in the evening, adult admission costs $5, youth cost $3.  Support is always welcomed.

under: Arts & Entertainment

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